44 percent of incidents involving fire were reported to the police. The report of Beaumont Emergency Hospital further exemplifies this through figures showing “Two-thirds of home fires are started in the kitchen, there are 480 deaths per year from kitchen fires and 350,000 are hurt by knives in the kitchen each year. The most common injuries are fires, burns, as well as lacerations.”

While there’s a significant danger of burnings, fires as well as other accidents in the kitchen, safety is considered a top priority for children living in the home. Here are some ways to ensure your children have the skills to take on basic levels of kitchen work so they can be involved with your next party meal making or breakfast on Sunday mornings with the family. Follow these basic rules of safe cooking and you’ll be ready for the job!

Safety of Food and Products

The safety of food items and the supply chain are the main and basic rules that introduce children to safety in the kitchen. It is crucial that kids learn how to safely store and handle food. It’s also about understanding how to utilize the tools and materials in a safe and correct manner.

Food storage- All children must be aware of important do’s and don’ts in handling food items. This includes things such as not leaving meat out on the counter, refrigerating dairy, as well as being aware of cross-contamination issues during cooking and food storage. If your child is not able to master the art of storing foods in a safe way, they’ll not be able safely create food items for themselves or others in the household.

Food Handling: Along similar lines, children are expected to be aware of and adhere to safe handling methods when handling foods. These could be small things including remembering to clean their hands prior to touching food items, to clean their hands after handling raw meat prior to handling any other items as well as being mindful of food-related contaminations or allergies.
